ANAYSTOF est la société de production d'art contemporain de l'artiste aNa.

Un couple (aNa et Christophe) animé par une ambition commune et un projet de vie : éditer des solutions artistiques pour tous les instants de la vie privée et professionnelle :

Team Building, Séminaire, Réunion, Afterwork, Brainstorming, Ice Breaker, Inauguration, Pause de Première Pierre, Anniversaire, Mariage, Retraite,…  Un conseil / 06 45 10 61 93


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Un projet, cliquez ICI

Animation fresque Noel pour tous Langres

The artist aNa invites families to take part in his collaborative artistic concept on the occasion of Christmas for all of Langres.
Young and old are invited to cut shapes according to their ideas and moods of the moment, in rolls of stickers of seasonal colors.

Then, it is advisable to stick its production all around the transparent cylinder of the artist. aNa she lives are Tube neon.
It is half covered by a backlit white base. It works on the upper part of the support. The transparent part. Its principle is simply spectacular: it transcends the participants' colorful contributions by creating a live collective fresco. She associates and binds the patchworks of colors transforming them into stage and characters or objects and plants.

The activity is extremely fun and accessible to all types of people. Each participant is really amused, but also and especially flattered to take part in the creation of a true work of art. The interactive art workshop lasts about 2 hours. It can accommodate a large number of people for a very short time. But participants are also free to stay as long as they wish.

In the end, when NA thinks it's over, the transparent cylinder is open to officially present the co-produced fresco.
This phase triggers a wow effect because nobody is able to imagine the quality of the work that NA is able to produce in such a short time. The colorful face of the guests is also spectacular.
In the end, the ensemble has a coherence whereas everyone has only done what he wanted without necessarily consulting with the others and without any external constraint or learning phase.

The principle has been developed since 2006 by aNa and anaystof.
It rests on the one hand on the singular competence of the artist aNa. But it also appeals to the notion of collective intelligence.

A group of people following a common method and purpose is able to produce a quite spectacular result even if it is composed of novice or uninitiated.
On the contrary, without method, one reaches nothing and quickly obtains an anarchic form.

aNa travels throughout France with different formats and participative forms that produce more or less monumental works for budgets between 1500 and 3500 € approx.

It also offers with its brand MYARTBOX, kits of material and method to reproduce the principle alone or with the help of a facilitator or coach for budgets between 200 and 1000 € ht approximately.

Her works in cylinder can be exposed in tube or flat against a wall.

We offer a range of customized frames that offer optimum results.

MYARTBOX dispenses, if you wish, a complete service of delivery, installation and supervision in all France.

Information: 06 45 10 61 93"

animation fresque my art box myartbox animation graffiti fresque design animation Langres graffiti lumineux animation lumineuse animation lumière light painting