ANAYSTOF est la société de production d'art contemporain de l'artiste aNa.

Un couple (aNa et Christophe) animé par une ambition commune et un projet de vie : éditer des solutions artistiques pour tous les instants de la vie privée et professionnelle :

Team Building, Séminaire, Réunion, Afterwork, Brainstorming, Ice Breaker, Inauguration, Pause de Première Pierre, Anniversaire, Mariage, Retraite,…  Un conseil / 06 45 10 61 93


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Un projet, cliquez ICI

Digital graffiti for high tech event

Make actors ALL your guests ...

The digital graffiti mural on a digital tablet allows your guests to participate in the collegial design of a final visual projected live on giant or multiple screens.

The principle and implementation are simple, the result symbolic and rewarding.

We are preparing an original illustration. It must be artistic to surprise the guests and raise the subject.

This black and white drawing is installed on one or more digital tablets. One or more hostesses circulate with the digital tool through your event, cocktail, meal, lounge ...

It (s) proposes (s) to put in colors freely the visual via a professional application.

Each person only needs a few moments to choose their color and apply it as they please on the screen of the iPad. This one connected to your screens, diffuses live the return in image.

This installation turns your guests into an actor of your event. Each of their gestures are visible to everyone. Throughout the event, the assembly takes advantage of the drawing that materializes live.

At the end, the giant screen presents the fruit of collaboration. Everyone can feel that they have really taken part in your project.

From the virtual to the concretization.

If you want to enhance your guests even more, we can transform your digital file into a giant mural or multiple goodies.

It is indeed possible to print your joint work on materials such as plexiglass, canvas, tarpaulin, wood, wallpaper ... We can give life to your illustration from small format to exhibit at home or in an office, to a monumental fresco to be displayed outside on the façade or in the most monumental halls.

In another sense, we can also apply the drawing on any object or goodies: T-shirt, cup, table, ...

Information: 06 45 10 61 93
Budgets from 1000 to 3000 € approx."

animation fresque myartbox animation digitale Graffiti digital fresque digital graffiti numérique fresque numérique animation graffiti animation innovante animation high tech